Painting Classes in Paris, all levels

Painting Classes in Paris
Traditional oil painting techniques
French – English – Italian and Spanish spoken
2024-2025 CLASS HOURS
11h15 14h15 |
10h30 13h30 |
10h30 13h30 |
15h30 18h30 |
15h00 18h00 |
Registrations is possible all through the academic year, depending on availability

Who can enroll in our painting classes ?
Age :
Our painting classes are for adults over 16 year old, eager to learn how to paint like the old masters. The learning process requires patience and commitment.
Experience :
Whatever your level is, you will find at Atelier Baroque an attentive and thoughtful training approach to meet your expectations at best. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced painter, we will accompany you in your learning process.
Prerequisites :
Be motivated to paint and be willing to work to learn.
Rhythm :
Far apart from speed and abstraction, you enter here in a timeless space where materials such as pigments, rabbit skin glue, oils, pigments or resin are found. Time here is an ally, one more ingredient and not a stopwatch that forces you to go fast. The eulogy of slowness applies perfectly well to our approach of painting in general and learning in particular.
Environment :
Atelier Baroque is a place of sharing and work. A friendly and caring environment where teacher and students share a common passion: painting through the ages, the different currents and the multiple techniques.
Painting training approach
In our oil painting classes we introduce the students to the classic, traditional painting techniques that were commonly practised before the 20th century.
Personalized tutoring :
Painting classes are collective, but the tutorial approach is individual so that each student can discover the different painting techniques, in general, and work on the painting technique that interest him/her in particular.
Learning to paint :
Copying is not an aim in itself, but a pedagogical method to make accessible an ancestral painting know-how. Learning to paint by copying the paintings of Old Masters, was common practice in painting workshops from the Middle Ages until the early twentieth century. At Atelier Baroque, we have restored this practice which is queen in painting learning.
Experienced instructor :
Painting classes are conceived and tutored by Alexandra Astorquiza educational engineer, copyist at the Musée du Louvre and classical contemporary painter.

Registration fees, terms and conditions
The 2024-25 Academic year at Atelier Baroque starts September 26, 2024 and ends on June 21, 2025
To register, you need to choose one class session within our class hours options (see page above)
Under certain conditions, it is possible to register on a year base fee, in that case a pro rata fee will be calculated for every particular case.
FEE : €1,450 for one 3 hours class per week. Total number of classes : 30
PAYMENT CONDITIONS : total amount upon registration with payment options of 1, 4 or 10 cheques handed upon registration.
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: During school holidays, there are no classes.
A trimester term is a predetermined academic period, not random three calendar months.
For 24-25, the academic trimester classes at Atelier Baroque are :
1st Trimester : September 26 – December 15, 2024
2nd Trimester : January 09 – March 29, 2025
3rd Trimester : April 3 – June 21, 2025
To register, you need to choose one class session within our class hours options (see page above)
FEE : €550 for one 3 hours class per week. Total number of classes : 10
PAYMENT CONDITIONS : total amount upon registration.
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: During school holidays there are no classes.
The “carnet” formula gives complete freedom on how and when to assist our painting classes.
What is a carnet?
A carnet is 10 pre-paid classes
When can you use your prepaid classes?
Any time. All you have to do is contact Atelier Baroque prior to coming to the class to ensure you get a spot. You can come every now and then or every single class of a week if you wish.
For how long can I use my carnet? :
Your carnet has a 6 month validity from the moment you purchase it.
FEE : €645 for ten 3 hours classes to be taken within a six month period maximum.
PAYMENT CONDITIONS : total amount upon registration.
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: During school holidays there are no classes.
In alternative you can follow one or more painting workshops during the year. To know more about visit the Painting Workshop page of our website.